Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true.


A dear friend of mine is a student of astrology—yes, horoscopes, how the stars align and how these lineups impact our lives. While I do not have much knowledge of these things, she occasionally imparts information to me about astrological matters I should be aware of in my life.

Recently, she informed me Mercury had moved into retrograde and my reaction was a somewhat sarcastic, “So?” She explained this is a time when communications can breakdown and we tend to over-analyze situations. Most importantly, major life decisions should not be made during this three week period. Although I initially scoffed at this tidbit of information, I soon got to thinking about it (over-analyzing, perhaps?).

There are moments when it is easy to feel as though all communications have broken down—as if every word uttered from your mouth does not hit the air as you had intended. From communications with coworkers and family to clients and prospects it is important to carefully consider what and how we communicate.

Being a good communicator is an art and a key element to success in all of life’s arenas. If a message can be spoken clearly and with enthusiasm, it is that much more likely to be heard, understood and remembered.

So, whether Mercury’s position in the sky is causal to communication breakdowns or not, it is easy to forget how we speak to each other. Let this February be a month of carefully considered words.

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